It’s an honor to present you….. Guest blogger of December!

Hello gorgeous people around the world!


We are all born good people!

Some people get an easy start, while others have to fight for everything they hold dear!

As long as we share the good messages, as long as we are not too big to help – as long as I believe that, there is opportunity for change!

He thunders off in America! His hope and dreams is that we all can reverse the downward spiral into something positive! Nothing is so bad, that it is not good for something 💖

Meet Mr. Harry Bell, the man and author behind the coloring book “color a positive thought ”

Here is his story, proving that it is possible to change your own life!



Hello, I’m Harry Bell the creator of the fun, educational and empowering coloring book (Color a Positive Thought).

I had the Ideal for (Color a Positive Thought) for over fifteen years. I always wanted to do something that helps bring the better out of people, even more so for our children. The energy for helping others was in me as a child and that comes from my upbringing. Growing up in Bridgeport, Ct in low income housing I was raised by my aunt Marvetta Bell. My birth mom was young and addicted to drugs, so she left me in the city hospital for a chance at life. My upbringing was very hard, but I did not let it stop me from achieving my goals. I witness a lot of my peers who were in the same situation fall short they let our negative situation win.

I chose to go a different route in life, because I always knew that with every negative situation there’s a positive way out. As an adult who beat the statistic that most did not coming from where I come from is truly a blessing. I’m thirty years old with a ten year old son who is growing up in different circumstances but the same environment. Times have change from the era I grew up in as a kid and now it’s even worse for kids to be positive in negative situations I see it every day as a city Resource Officer in one of the roughest  elementary school in the city.

These kids are in  so much pain they are social and emotional disturb and It hurts me so much because I see me in these kids. I see what my son has to face every day, so I couldn’t just be in the forefront of negative without shinning my positive light on these struggling times our children are facing. I wanted to do something about it but it had to be different at the same time I wanted to educate them as well. I wanted to create something fun, educational and empowering at the same time.

I dwelled on it for weeks bringing ideals to the table I really wanted to help my son and other kids that faces the same negative problems. During my time of research I was hit with a huge blow that will affect me my entire life. My son was diagnose with type one diabetes me being such a positive dad to my son I had to keep him positive because he started to look at it in a negative way. We had to spend a little over a week in the hospital to learn about diabetes even though we were pretty familiar with it because we watch his mom deal with this same matter as she battled with it after his birth.

The first day my son was feeling negative and it was hurting me to the core but I couldn’t let it affect my mind because I had to find the positive side to this negative situation. I knew that my son loves to color so I wanted to get him a coloring book but not just any coloring book. I wanted to give him something that was going to uplift him something fun, educational and empowering. I went looking everywhere stores and online I couldn’t find know coloring book that was fun, educational and empowering at the same time.

Then something came to my mind and said (go look at your quotes and sketches that you keep in a shoe box for over twelve years). I followed my instincts and open that shoe box then my mind started to race with ideals. The first thing I did was call a buddy that I work with that has a degree in graphic designs. He told me to bring him what I have on paper and a little over a week he called me back to come by his house to view my finish project. I was speechless he took my dream and put it into book format and it was a dream come true.

The only thing I was missing was a title but the moment I finish looking at the slide show he put together the title pop up in my head ‘Color a Positive Thought’ I printed up the first copy with my sons face on cover and surprised him it was the happiest moment in his life. He couldn’t put that book down he read and colored that book as if  it was the only thing he had he would bring the book to school to show his friends and teachers.

Then one day he comes home and tells me that his teacher wants me to come speak with her about the book. I met with his teacher and she was amazed with the book she also stated that she showed the book around to her coworkers.  She stated that some said to her that they thought it was a book from scholastic but my son said knows my dad created this for me. The teacher ask me if I could provide a book to all the students in her class and talk about each page I quickly said yes it was my dream coming to life.

I did it and the kids were so excited and the teacher couldn’t believe how the kids were responding to it. Then a few weeks later I received a call from a local news station to do an interview and after that I would be a local in celebrity. I would receive calls from local media, schools, churches, parents, daycare centers, pedestrian’s and library to speak or to do interviews regarding book and how can they purchase the book.

My main goals is to get ‘Color a Positive Thought’ into as many children’s hands as possible to let them know that they are not alone and with every negative situation there’s a positive way out.

Thank you, so much for your time


For contact, please read below 💖



FB: ColorAPositiveThoughT

Twitter: @Colorapositivet

IG: Colorapositivethought_29

Contact: (203)864-7022


Thank you for sharing Harry!

To my international followers


Welcome to my new blog ! This is where I will share all the good and bad with my followers! 😙

I love to share and give advice as well as I can! For better or worse …  God knows we all have a backpack with mixed sweets!

As I said earlier, I will make one blog a month, only to my international followers! Here will be shared everything from food, toys, clothes and from time to time a guest blogger will visit.

You are welcome to send questions which covers everything from ADHD and ASD to celiac and lactose intolerance ! And of course everything else you may have on the heart!

A special thanks to an inspirational Instagram couple Joyce and Juan, and the girls that inspired me so I took the chance and started! You know who you are 💕

Happy 1st of December

Så blev bloggen til virkelighed!

Allerførst vil jeg da præsenterer mig selv.

Jeg hedder Renée, og jeg er ny på bloggen. Jeg er mor til en skøn dreng på 7år. Han har et par diagnoser med i tasken – og hvem har efterhånden ikke det!?!

Det er nemlig en af grundene til jeg (vi) er herinde. For at give oplysninger, dele med andre og lade dem forstå vi også er mennesker 😙

Bloggen lod sig inspirere af et par forskellige piger og et ynglings Instagram par fra Holland – Joyce og Juan og tak for det!

Piger I ved hvem I er 💕

Jeg har i en tid gået og syslet med denne blog, og efter lidt “gruppepres” fra mine følgere har jeg lanceret bloggen en del før tid. 😆

Den kommer til at omhandle vores liv på det gode og onde! Om folks fordomme, deres smil, overskud og somme tider deres underskud! Den manglende viden om de såkaldte sygdomme der er gået folkesport i 😉

Ting vi afprøver. Mad da vi har cøliaki og laktose intolerance og ønsker at give andre inspiration til lækker mad, tøj, legetøj, spil og en masse andre sjove ting som man kan lave udenfor.

Og af og til vil jeg så invitere en gæste blogger, som jeg håber I vil syntes er sjovt! Her får de lov til at give deres mening til kende og svare på lidt spørgsmål! Der kan være et tema, men det kan også være en spændende person(er) som bare vil frem i livet!

Jeg vil udgive en dansk blog 1 gang om ugen med alt muligt sjov og spændende læsning (som I forhåbentlig også finder brugbart)

Også vil jeg 1 gang om måneden lave en blog til mine internationale følgere med spørgsmål de kan sende mig og jeg vil svare på alt så godt som mulig 😙

Også vil jeg lige sige glædelig 1 december!

Jeg glæder mig til at dele livet på godt og ondt med jer 💕